What is Radiant Lotus Qigong

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This Radiant Lotus Qigong system was developed by my teacher Daisy Lee. Daisy Lee has more than 30 years of knowledge in self-care techniques, including various styles of Qigong. Her teachers are from China, Tibet and the West. At the World Qigong Congress in 2020, she received an award for Qigong Master of the Year for her contributions to woman’s health and healing. If you want to read more of her click here

This Radiant Lotus Qigong system has been developed for woman only and teached by a woman. it can be used both to prevent health complaints in woman and to use before or during a treatment of specific femaile health complaints.

Examples of woman’s health complaints:

  • painfull menstruation
  • hot flashes
  • emotional ups and downs
  • stressmanagement
  • osteoporosis
  • breast cysts

The basic exercises are:

  • shaking and tapping from the body that releases blocked and stagnated energy from the deep tissues especially the breasts and reproductive organs
  • selfmassage techniques to care for the body due to estrogen loss in a gently, calm and friendly way
  • the 7 Tibetan sound healing that helps woman find their unique voice and use it to heal themselves at different levels of emotional blockages
  • series of 5 essential excercises consisting of beautiful elegant flowing movements in combination with the breath and mindfulness

Why Radiant Lotus Qigong:

  • it gently brings the hormone system into balance
  • it brings new energy to the body, heart and head
  • it makes the joints, vessels and muscles flexible
  • it brings rejuvenation of skin, muscles and bones
  • it brings elegance, warmth and healing to woman

Qigong is intended to support and not to replace regular medicine. 

In the case of medical complaints, a doctor must always be consulted first.